
 Most of you, if not all of you, know by now that my daughter (aka The Brine Queen) died unexpectedly on September 14th of this year.  These last several weeks have been painful and chaotic. We've all been devastated both emotionally and financially by this, and I've been struggling here financially and hosting my son-in-law … Continue reading Loss.

A Political Sampler of the Far Right.

 This trip to Florida and back has been an eye opener.  From the people who lived in a trailer (not a mobile home, a trailer) and had a dozen Trump flags in their yard, to the sign that suggested we vote for Trump, Pence and Jesus in 2020, to the number of people with huge … Continue reading A Political Sampler of the Far Right.

The Cost

When  was about 11 years old, I worked at the Woolworth's at the plaza after school and weekends.  At the end of the week, I got my little envelope with cash in it, and on the front it showed the hours worked, the rate of pay, and the taxes I'd paid. I hated taxes.  I was … Continue reading The Cost

COVID Coping.

I sometimes envy Cinnamon's ability to do absolutely nothing most days.  She really seems totally unperturbed by what's going on in the world around her: Politics, Pandemic, Protests.  She seems totally content to sit on the couch with me, snooze, and go for quick walks three times a day.These days I feel like I'm just … Continue reading COVID Coping.