That’s no moon!

 This morning, around 7:30 I was walking the dog and admiring the soft salmon colored moon above the buildings of my apartment complex.  I wish I'd had my camera then, because now it's a lot brighter, but still... and here it is, around 8:30am, in San Clemente, CA, miles from the fires.  The air quality … Continue reading That’s no moon!

A visit to Olompali State Historic Park

It's a Miwok village.It's an early adobe rancho built on Mexican land grant, indigenously owned.It's the historic Burdell Dairy.It's one of the homes of Jerry Garcia and the Grateful Dead.It's a former hippie commune.and it's a State Historic Park.the steps leading down to the picnic area, once the Victorian gardensIt's a lot of history all … Continue reading A visit to Olompali State Historic Park

Oh, Sonoma!

There is a bit of backstory to today's trip, part of which involves getting lost coming home from Vacaville a week ago, and part of which involves a medical appointment. But I'm going to skip the details today, and go right to the photos, mostly because I'm tired and anemic and I have a whole … Continue reading Oh, Sonoma!